As summer draws to a close, you may already be thinking of how you can get your home ready for the colder months. Here are three ways that you can prep your home for fall and winter that will save you money in the process.
Run Fans in Reverse
This seems like an odd tip for cold weather, but trust us – it makes a big impact. Most people believe that fans are only useful when it’s hot, but what you may not know is that most ceiling fans also come with a reverse switch. When the fan spins in the opposite direction, it grabs warm air that has pooled against the ceiling and circulates it back down into the house, actually making the air warmer. This quick fix can save you up to 10% on your heating costs.
Insulate Your Windows
You can easily and inexpensively get a window insulation kit from any hardware store and install it yourself. These kits consist of thin sheets of plastic film that go over your windows, and when properly installed are nearly invisible. The film provides a buffer against drafts, which will lower your heating costs.
Turn Down Your Water Heater
This may seem counter-intuitive, but lowering your water heaters’ temperature from 140 degrees F (the temperature that installers typically set) to 120 degrees F can save you a ton on water heating costs without sacrificing your hot showers.
Another thing you should do before the weather turns cold is to make sure your HVAC system is working properly. For water heater repair in Gloucester, VA and the surrounding areas, contact Comfortable Climate Heating & Air Conditioning at